< About The Course > < Streaming Video >

Florida Wheels in Motion is the all-new defensive driving video from DefensiveDriving.com. Fast, responsive, always available - This version of the course is delivered entirely in streaming video! Now you can take the award-winning Wheels in Motion video course any time, anywhere you have an Internet connection!

Benefits of the Florida Wheels in Motion defensive driving streaming video course include:

  • Always Available Anytime Anywhere
    Our Online Streaming Video course is always available – it's as close and as convenient as the Internet itself! Home, work, the local coffeeshop or hotspot – we're always here and ready to serve you with the best defensive driving course available.

  • No Returns
    Because it's online, there's no DVD or videotape to return when you're done!

  • No Late Fees
    Other defensive driving videos give you a 3-day window to take the course before you start paying late fees. Why settle for that when you can take up to 90 full days to complete the Florida Wheels in Motion course?

  • State and Court Approved
    All courts in Florida accept the Florida Wheels in Motion course for traffic ticket dismissal.

  • Convenience
    Take the course from anywhere you have Internet access.

  • Flexible Schedules
    Take the course around your schedule, whenever you have the time. Watch this defensive driving video all in one sitting or in 10-minute increments, you decide.

  • Live Customer Support
    Toll-free access to customer support representatives and licensed defensive driving instructors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Certificate of Completion
    Your Certificate of Completion will be processed the same day you complete the course, and delivered to you via U.S. Mail, overnight delivery, or email.

  • Insurance Discounts
    Most insurance companies offer discounts for completing the Florida Wheels in Motion course. Ask your insurance agent if you qualify.

To complete the course, all you need is Internet access.